Review Policy & Disclosures

Review Policy:

I am not currently accepting any new review requests. If I have already received a copy of your book for review, rest assured I am working towards fulfilling my commitment to reading and reviewing your book here on Tea Rex Reads. I will re-open the blog for review requests once I have caught up on my ARC backlog.


Links contained within my blog may be affiliate links. All blog posts containing affiliate links will also have a disclaimer at the beginning of the post. This means that I may make a small commission for any items you purchase after using a link, so if you like what you see please consider supporting me in this way.

If a post does not have an affiliate disclosure at the top, there are no affiliate links in that post. Instead, I link to a book’s Goodreads page or to one of my own reviews. I may also link to an author’s web page, if applicable.

Privacy Policy:

I take the privacy of the readers of Tea Rex Reads very seriously, and I do not share any information collected by my site with third parties. The information below describes to the best of my knowledge what types of information are collected and how they are used. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice.

Information Collection:

Generally, your information is collected by my site when you do one of the following:

  • Include your contact information while commenting
  • Submit a Contact Form
  • Email me a review request
  • If you subscribe to my blog via email

In each of these instances you will generally be asked to submit your name, email address, and website (if applicable). I do not share this information with any third parties, and it is used to send you email subscriptions (if you subscribe by email), to respond to your email inquiries, and to approve/deny review requests.


This site uses cookies, but it is up to you if you want to disable or otherwise control their use while visiting the site. These changes can be made through the settings in the browser you are using to view the site.

coppa (Children’s Online Privacy Policy):

I do not knowingly collect information from visitors under the age of 13, and the content of this site is not intended for nor targeted towards any visitors under the age of 13.

Find out more about COPPA from the FTC website found here.

Questions or Concerns:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of my policies or disclosures, please feel free to contact me at TeaRexReads at Any correspondence will be strictly confidential and will not be shared with third parties.